Reception Year (PP2)
Children in PP2 learn through child initiated and adult directed play and begin their journey into structured lessons in reading, writing and mathematics. A daily phonics lesson is taught using a multisensory approach which links directly to best practise. These fun lessons are thoroughly enjoyed by children and provide parents with a systematic approach to helping their child learn the first steps in reading and writing. Teachers make the curriculum come to life with topic based learning, visits and visiting speakers. Children’s interests and paramount and staff skilfully adapt the environment to suit the needs of the children.
Please see our helpful guide here to help you prepare your child for reception.
“Academically we have been delighted by Westville’s decision to introduce the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ learning scheme. We have been amazed at the speed of progress...As parents we feel immensely privileged that this has been our children’s earliest experience of school, made all the more wonderful coming from the superb classroom and outdoor facilities offered by the new EYFS unit. Reception at Westville is a gloriously special year!”
Current Parent
Years 1 & 2 (PP3 & PP4)
The curriculum adopts a more formal approach for year 1 & 2 pupils, emphasising the importance of basic skills in core subjects. Collaboration paired and individual work are all developed. Reading, writing, handwriting and mathematics are challenging and exciting. We also introduce science, geography, history, design and technology, PSHE, RS, art, music and drama. ICT is taught as an individual subject and integrated into all learning. Educational trips enhance learning and develop a sense of adventure, giving first hand experiences for children.